Thursday, January 29, 2009


I want a NEW CAMERA NOW!!! I've been wanting one, but esp now after I dropped mine not once...but twice at the jamey johnson concert and now the lense won't come out!! UGH!! I'm over compulsive or however you would say it about finding the "perfect" new one, well actually I want 2 new ones but Scotty doesn't know that part! I want a small one for everyday use to carry in my bag and then a nice SLR one for taking more important, professional like pictures.
Other than a random desire for something such as a couple of cameras, life is pretty normal on the home front for me. Working Monday-Friday, spending time with the hubby and my spoiled dog...that's it.
Oh wait, I have started reading Twilight- yes, sounds like I was sucked into the whole vampire junk, but I LOVE IT!!!

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